A co-defendant in the case involving the famous kidnap kingpin, Chukwudumeme Onwuamadike alias Evans, Mr. Udeme Frank Upong has been sentenced to five years in prison.

The 43-year-old convict on Friday stunned the court when he changes his not guilty plea to guilty.
He accepted the charge that he sold 2-AK 47 guns and 70 arms of ammunition to Evans sometimes in 2008.
This was the position before Justice Oluwatoyon Taiwo on Friday.
As a result of this development, he is now free to go home having being in prison custody since 2017.
The offence is contrary to Sectionn29(2) of the Fire Arms Act F28, 2004 and punishable under Sectionn27(b)(III).
Earlier last month, Evans was jailed for life in one of the charge pressed against him.
Evans still has about two more related offences of kidnapping against him before Justice Taiwo and another court in Lagos.
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